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I001DURTYNELLYS.JPG (100432 bytes)  DURTY NELLY'S I002collete.JPG (91700 bytes) Collete McNamara
I003Mike.JPG (68229 bytes)Mike McNamara I004Killkee.JPG (49145 bytes)Bay at Kilkee with tide out
I008Killkee.JPG (58224 bytes)Cliffs at Kilkee I009publiscannor.JPG (95524 bytes)Pub at Lisacannor
I011cliffsofmohr.JPG (71305 bytes)Cliffs of Mohr I012cliffsofmohr.JPG (70339 bytes) Cliffs of Mohr
I013cliffsofmohrcastle.JPG (53218 bytes) Cliffs of Mohr Castle I017kilkee.JPG (75225 bytes) Downtown Kilkee
I019baratkillarney.JPG (124865 bytes) Bar in Kilarney I020killarneypubmusic.JPG (92076 bytes) Pub Music in Kilarney
I021viewfromroominkillarney.JPG (66937 bytes) View fro our room in Kilarney I022streetsof killarney.JPG (86599 bytes) Streets of Kilarney
I023streetsofkillarney.JPG (74911 bytes)Streets of Kilarney I024irishfarmland.JPG (91673 bytes) Rock bridge to Irish farm
I025ringofkerry.JPG (50068 bytes) Ring of Kerry I026ringofkerry.JPG (56668 bytes) Ring of Kerry
I027ringofkerry.JPG (91703 bytes) Small mountain pass by Ring of Kerry I028ringofkerry.JPG (83693 bytes) Town on Ring of Kerry
I029ringofkerry.JPG (66878 bytes) Town on Ring of Kerry I033blarney.JPG (40949 bytes) Blarney Castle
I034blarney.JPG (97808 bytes) Blarney Castle I035blarney.JPG (119347 bytes) Blarney Castle
I036blarney.JPG (71747 bytes) Blarney Castle I037blarney.JPG (83076 bytes) Blarney Castle
I039blarneystone.JPG (87904 bytes) Kissing the Blarney Stone I047waterford.JPG (89418 bytes) Waterford
I048waterford.JPG (74309 bytes) Waterford Table Setting I050waterford.JPG (56450 bytes) Waterford Factory
I051waterford.JPG (80146 bytes) Waterford Factory I052waterford.JPG (99924 bytes) Waterford Factory
I055waterford.JPG (64000 bytes) Waterford Factory I056waterford.JPG (102472 bytes) Waterford Factory
I059waterford.JPG (86028 bytes) Waterford Factory I060waterford.JPG (102015 bytes) Waterford Factory
I067streetsoftippary.JPG (90036 bytes) Streets of Tipperary I068royalhotel.JPG (104046 bytes) Royal Hotel in Tipperary
I071bunratty.JPG (84652 bytes) Cottage at Bunratty Castle I072bunratty.JPG (108400 bytes) Cannons at Bunratty Castle
I073bunratty.JPG (96063 bytes) Kings chair at banquette table I074mikecolettedaughter.JPG (107800 bytes) Mike & Colette's daughter - Amanda
I076ballybunion.JPG (56230 bytes) Remains of Ballybunion Castle I076viewferryboat.JPG (49669 bytes) View from the Shannon Ferryboat
I080killrush.JPG (110654 bytes) Nice warm bar in Killrush I083Kingjohns.JPG (62025 bytes) King Johns Castle in Limerick
I084kingjohns.JPG (63149 bytes) King Johns Castle in Limerick I085kingjohns.JPG (111005 bytes) St Mary's Church in Limerick
I087jurys.JPG (97857 bytes) Our last night in Ireland, With Mike, Colette, John & Marion.